Directions to Colorcon Hungary

The Colorcon Hungarian Laboratory and Representative Office address is Budapest the capital of Hungary Pasaréti út 59. which is situated on the Buda side of the Danube. On the Buda side please find district two which is between the two Danube bridges Margaret and Elizabeth. This street is parallel with Szilágyi Erzséber fasor. Please look for number 59. in Pasaréti street which is a nice white building.

A Colorcon magyarországi képviselete, Budapesten a Duna budai oldalán a második kerületi Pasaréti út 59. szám alatt található.

Colorcon Limited Budapest
Pasaréti út 59.
H-1026 Budapest
Tel. 36-1-200-8000
Fax. 36-1-200-8010