ETHOCEL™ Premium - Polímero de Etilcelulosa
El producto ETHOCEL™ es un polímero insoluble en agua aprobado mundialmente para aplicaciones y utilizado en formulaciones de comprimidos de liberación extendida.
Principales aplicaciones farmacéuticas:
- Recubrimientos de multiparticulados de liberación extendida
- Micro-encapsulados de activos
- Enmascaramiento del sabor de activos con sabor desagradable
- Aglutinante de liberación extendida en sistemas de matrices inertes
- Granulación por extrusión y solvente
El ETHOCEL le otorga flexibilidad a la formulación para aplicaciones farmacéuticas:
- Rango de pesos moleculares, pueden ser mezclados para obtener viscosidades intermedias
- Rangos de partículas pequeñas (FP) para ser utilizados en sistemas de matrices inertes, otorgando propiedades lipofilicas mejoradas transformándose en una área superficial mayor
- Perfiles de liberación modificada cuando el ETHOCEL es utilizado en combinación con excipientes solubles en agua como el METHOCEL™ Premium éteres de celulosa
El ETHOCEL ha sido ampliamente utilizado en la industria farmacéutica por más de 50 años, respaldado por un historial excelente de seguridad con aceptación global y cumpliendo el US Food Chemical Codex. También está aprobado para usos en suplementos dietarios en Europa y Estados Unidos
- Extended release binder in inert matrix systems
- Solvent and extrusion granulation
ETHOCEL™ / METHOCEL™ son marcas registradas de The Dow Chemical Company
Información General
Tech Bulletin: ETHOCEL™ QbD Case Study
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailStudy on the influence of viscosity variation of ETHOCEL (ethylcellulose) on drug release from multiparticulate
dosage forms
Folleto del producto
ETHOCEL™ Product Information Brochure
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailETHOCEL Product Information Brochure
Posters publicados
AAPS 2008 - Investigation of Ethylcellulose in the Preparation of Theophylline ER Inert Matrix Tablets
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailInfluence of particle size and mol. wt.of ethylcellulose on drug release from inert matrices, with sparingly water soluble drug
AAPS 2014 - A QbD Investigation into the Effect of Ethylcellulose Viscosity Variation on the Drug Release of Metoprolol Tartrate Extended Release Multiparticulates
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailStudy showing that viscosity variation, within the manufacturer’s specifications for ETHOCEL Premium grades, has minimal impact on drug release for extended release multiparticulates.
AAPS 2015 - Feasibility of Taste-Masking a Highly Soluble Drug via Powder Layering with Fine Particle Ethylcellulose
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailAAPS 2015 Poster Reprint - Demonstrates the feasibility of ETHOCEL FP powder layering, onto drug loaded Suglets, as a highly efficient taste-masking technology.
AAPS 2017 - Stability Evaluation of Ethylcellulose Dry Powder Coated Metoprolol Tartrate Extended Release Multiparticulates
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailCRS 2008 - Influence of Solvent Type on ER Coating with Ethylcellulose Barrier Membranes
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailInfluence of solvent combinations on EC solution viscosity and drug release from coated beads
CRS 2008 - Investigation of Venlafaxine HCl Release from Extruded and Spheronized Beads Coated with Ethylcellulose using Organic or Aqueous Coating Systems
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailOrganic application of EC on venlafaxine HCl extruded and
spheronized beads resulted in a consistent drug release
CRS 2009 - Influence of Coating System Type on Acetaminophen Release from Ethylcellulose Barrier Membrane Coated Multiparticulates
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailADS adapted from 2009 CRS poster,The Influence of Coating System Type on Acetaminophen Release from Ethylcellulose Barrier Membrane Coated Multiparticulates
CRS 2010 - Influence of Pore-Former on Drug Release from Ethylcellulose Coated Multiparticulates
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailMultiparticulate beads coated with ethylcellulose from an organic solution
CRS 2011 - Influence of Dissolution Media pH on Drug Release from Ethylcellulose Coated Multiparticulates
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailComparative evaluation in gastric and intestinal pH media for ionic or non-ionic drugs
CRS 2011 - Influence of Drug Solubility on Release from Ethylcellulose Barrier Membrane Coated Multiparticulates
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailSolvent coateding lead to slower drug release than when coated with aqueous dispersion and drug release rate increased with addition of hypromellose as a pore-former
CRS 2014 - Investigation of the Effect of Ethylcellulose Viscosity Variation Using QbD Samples on Drug Release from Extended Release Multiparticulates
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailEffect of viscosity variation for ETHOCEL™ QbD samples (Std. 10, 20 and 100 Premium grades) coated onto drug layered multiparticlates.
RS 2009 - Influence of Molecular Weight on Drug Release from Ethylcellulose Barrier Membrane Multiparticulates
Descargar Documento Enviar por e-mailDrug release is retarded with increasing molecular weight (viscosity) of EC
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